Bicycle and Pedestrian Plans
The NCDOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Division provides grant funding assistance to ommunitys to develop bicycle and/or pedestrian plans. The plans may focus on both on-road and off-road bicycle connections between recreationals sites, hisotric destinations, and other points of interest. destinations, such as municipal jurisdictions, recreational resources and other points of interest within the communities boundaries.
Plans are typically developed over a two-year time period and development is guided by a broad group of stakeholders including the local planning organization. Albemarle Commission Regional Planning Staff can provide grant writing techinical assistance to our member communites for these grants. We can also assist in the development of the plan.

Member community plans van be found on the Bicycle and Pedestrian Plans page.
Safe Routes to School
In 2019, the ARPO was awarded grant funding through the NCDOT Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program. The program encourages children to walk and bicycle to school and making walking and bicycling to school a safe transportation option. Our grant proposal focused on developing and bicycle and pedetrian saftey campagin for the region which included educational outreach and enforcement training and materials. the education component consisted of social media posts, posters and videoa targeting residents, tourists, children and parents and the enforcement strategies consisted of formal training sessions for law enforcement. Changing the traffic safety culture was the aim of our campaign. project deliverables are free to use and are located under the resources tab.