Families are the major provider of long-term care in the America. The National Family Caregiver Support Program (NFCSP) was established to help family and informal caregivers to care for their loved ones at home for as long as possible.
Are You A Family Caregiver?
- Do you care for someone at home, 60 or older who has difficulty with daily activities?
- Does the care that you provide help someone to remain at home instead of moving into a long-term care facility?
- Are you caring for an adult of any age who has dementia, such as the type caused by Alzheimer’s Disease?
- Are you juggling caregiving, family, your job and other responsibilities?
- Are you a grandparent who has taken on the responsibility of raising grandchildren?
- Are you providing care for a disabled adult?
If you answered “YES” to any of these questions, then you ARE a caregiver and we may be able to help.
The AAA Family Caregiver Support Program (FCSP) offers a range of services to support family caregivers. Specific Services vary by county, but generally include…
- Information and assistance about available services
- Individual counseling, training for caregivers, and support groups
- Respite care or short-term, temporary relief from caregiving responsibilities
- Supplemental services based on individual need and availability
These supports can reduce caregiver depression, anxiety and stress which may enable the caregiver to continue to provide quality care. This may mean that the family can avoid or delay the need for costly institutional care.
The Family Caregiver Support Program provides information about available services, assistance in gaining access to services, individual counseling, support group and caregiver training, respite care, and supplemental services.

There are only four kinds of people in the world…those who have been caregivers; those who are currently caregivers; those who will be caregivers; and those who will need caregivers.
Rosalynn Carter, Former First Lady
Caregiver Services
Information & Options Counseling
Knowing where to start to get help is often the biggest obstacle. We know the resources in the area and can get you in touch with the right people to improve your situation.
Individual Counseling, Support Groups
Taking care of a loved one can be difficult and it helps to talk to someone else. We can arrange for a professional counselor or help you connect with a support group representing others with the same type of experiences.
Education and Training
As a caregiver, you will be more successful as you learn about the issues your loved one is facing. We can help you better understand topics such as self-care and end-of-life planning.
Respite Care
Everyone needs a break. Our region offers a wide variety of services so that you can get away or just relax for a couple of hours.
Supplemental Services
Our region also has services such as in-home care, small home repairs or modifications, legal assistance, and services for grandparents raising grandchildren under age 18.
Powerful Tools for Caregivers
The Powerful Tools for Caregivers program and its companion book, The Caregiver Helpbook, are designed to provide caregivers the tools to:
- Reduce personal stress
- Practice self-care
- Reduce guilt, anger, and depression
- Communicate effectively with family members, doctors, and paid help
- Utilize community resources
- Make tough decisions
- Set goals and problem solve
Research has shown that Powerful Tools for Caregivers increases caregiver confidence and builds skills to help them thrive as individuals. Six-week classes for caregivers are conducted by trained PTC Class Leaders.
For more information, please contact:
Ashley Lamb, Family Caregiver Support Specialist
Phone: (252)404-7090