North Carolina Senior Medicare Patrol’s (NCSMP) purpose is to educate Medicare beneficiaries and caregivers about Medicare benefits in order to understand Medicare Statements such as Medicare Summary Notices, Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plan (PDP) Explanations of Benefits (EOB) and other related health care statements. Through this knowledge, a person can identify, resolve and/or report possible billing errors, fraud, abuse and waste to NCSMP.
Did You Know
- 68 billion dollars of the taxpayers’ money is lost annually to billing discrepancies, fraud, abuse and waste in the Medicare program?
- “fraud and abuse” in the Medicare program often times are actually billing errors or discrepancies?
- the process of reporting suspected fraud abuse and waste is to contact the provider to seek resolution; to contact their Medicare carriers and insurance companies and to file an appeal by following the appeal instructions found on the back of the Medicare Summary Notice? And if your situation is not resolved satisfactorily, you should contact the North Carolina SMP Program at the nationwide toll free number, 855-408-1212?
Remember to:
- review your Medicare statements
- protect your Medicare number
- do not be influenced by advertising for services, medications or products that sound “too good to be true”
- educate yourself about your Medicare benefits
- rarely are Medicare services “free”
- Medicare does not solicit door-to-door

The Area Agency on Aging is available to give community presentations on the Senior Medicare Patrol program.
If you are interested, please contact
Jasmine Wilson
SHIIP Coordinator
Phone: 252-426-8244
Contact NCSMP at 855-408-1212 (toll free) or the Area Agency on Aging at 252-426-5753.
Click Here to Learn More about the North Carolina Senior Medicare Patrol