Transportation Planner
An employee in this class performs advanced level professional planning work for the Regional Council, with a high degree of independence. Duties include being actively involved in a variety of transportation planning work with the Albemarle Rural Planning Organization (ARPO) and assisting member local governments in addressing transportation needs in the 10-County Albemarle Commission region. The job requires thorough knowledge of the transportation field and is characterized by independent judgment and initiative in the performance of duties. Work is performed primarily in an inside environment, but may require as needed site inspections, and field related duties. The employee may serve as a lead worker or project manager. Work is performed under the regular supervision of the Executive Director, and is evaluated through observation, reports, progress on projects, and feedback from clients.
Download full job description below:
Transportation Planner
To Apply:
Mail, email, or drop off NC PD107 application, cover letter, resume, & 3 references to:
Amber Morse
Albemarle Commission
512 South Church Street
Hertford, NC 27944
The Albemarle Commission is an Equal Opportunity Employer.